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The club has a large dinghy park, elevated race hut, two concrete slipways, plenty of moorings, picnic area, covered patio, children's play area, heated clubhouse, toilets, changing rooms with showers, car parking, patrol boats and of course 25 acres of sailing water. Members are expected to attend at least 1 workday during the year to maintain the facilities.

Fleet and Handicap racing

This takes place on Sundays throughout the season, Bank Holidays and some Saturdays. The racing, although taken seriously by the participants is friendly and traditionally followed by refreshments and a chat in the clubhouse; beginners are very welcome to join in.

Casual sailing

This is encouraged at any time. If you wish to use club boats, please be aware that you may only use them when a patrol boat is on the water. The patrol boat service, operated by members, is normally provided on alternate Saturdays April until October on the same days as B fleet when members are encouraged to come down and join in. There may be times throughout the summer season when the patrol boat is out on Sundays and Wednesday afternoons, but this is subject to volunteers coming forward to man the patrol boat for which HCYC will give training.  During the winter months cover is only available during morning racing on Sundays.  

B Fleet

This is usually organised for members on alternate Saturday afternoons. These races are designed to encourage the sailor with little or no racing experience. The atmosphere is extremely relaxed and friendly and you do not need a detailed knowledge of the racing rules to start. This is based around informal racing with very simplified rules. This is a fantastic way to get used to sailing with other boats and to improve your sailing skills around small courses.

We run this alternate Saturdays for much of the year. Experienced sailors will be on hand to offer their expertise and to help you get the most of your sailing.


Based on the RYA Onboard scheme, but in an informal way. Our main focus is on getting the kids on the water and having fun with sessions through the summer. To meet our safeguarding responsibilities a parent/responsible adult is required to stay on site during the session.


Courses are run at the club by members who are qualified instructors to RYA certificate standards. The club is an RYA Approved Training Centre.


News items are displayed on the website.

Social events

These are arranged throughout the year and include BBQ's, film nights, live music, Fish & Chip suppers. 

Special sailing days

These include organised outings to various coastal and inland sailing venues including Rutland Water, Grafham and Gunfleet sailing club at Clacton. 

Last updated 12:54 on 2 July 2024

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