HCYC Dinghy Park Regulations
Dinghy Park Regulations
In addition to the Club Rules and Byelaws, members wishing to use the HCYC dinghy park facilities are bound by, and are deemed to agree to these rules:
1.Dinghy park spaces are only available to Full members of HCYC
2.All boats and trailers must be clearly identifiable and recorded in the club register. Where possible trailers should be marked with owners' names
3.Ownership information for all boats and equipment must be kept up to date by informing the Dinghy Park Officer of any change
4.All trailers and trolleys that are kept separately from a boat must be clearly marked and recorded in the club register
5.Members may keep multiple boats or trailers in their allocated space as long as the space is kept tidy and there is no encroachment onto a neighbouring space. The HCYC Committee reserves the right to ask members to move equipment if it is deemed that this rule is being abused
6.Any boat or other equipment kept in your allocated space must not interfere with another space or the access paths
7.Boats and Trailers must not lean against fences, racks or other boats
8.All boats must be secured to the ground when parked. Tying loops are provided
9.All spaces must be kept free of weeds, the use of chemicals is prohibited
10.All boats must be insured
11.There is a dinghy park log book in the clubhouse. Please use this when bringing a boat into the dinghy park or taking a dinghy away
12.The use of used car tyres in the dinghy park is not allowed
Last updated 12:54 on 2 July 2024